Tag: Keir Starmer
Starmer Wants to Send British Troops to Ukraine
February 18, 2025
British Prime Minister Keir Starmer is willing to send young Brits to die in the war against Russia. Readers on this blog realize that this is a war AGAINST RUSSIA...
WarUK and Ukraine Sign 100-Year Partnership
January 17, 2025
UK’s Keir Starmer is eager to sign a 100-year partnership with Ukraine to strengthen security in the Baltic, Azov, and Black Seas and increase economic and...
WarSilent Prayer Prohibited in the UK
November 27, 2024
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Keir Starmer’s reign is akin to how America would have looked under a Kamala Harris presidency. The people have lost...
Great Reset BRITAINCivil Unrest Rising in the UK over Migrant Crisis
August 6, 2024
Massive riots have erupted across the UK following the tragic fatal stabbings of three young girls in Southport. The girls were attending a Taylor Swift-themed...
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