Tag: Laissez-faire
Schwab – The Madman of Davos Changing the World
January 31, 2022
There is a very serious problem in the social sciences where some academics think they can control the economy following the path first blazed by Karl Marx....
CorruptionFUTURE Under Construction
August 26, 2021
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I am new to your blog but I’m here because your reputation precedes you. I was told unlike everyone else commenting on the...
WEFWhy I Oppose George Soros
December 16, 2016
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B11DueI6rok Soros, I believe, is trying to do the same thing as Karl Marx. He is funding an experiment to alter society into what he...
Corruption PoliticsConfused Confidence
May 1, 2016
QUESTION: Hi Marty! I am reading and studying your blogs and Socrates for quite some time and I would really like to thank you for all the insights! Some days I...
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