Tag: Language
Culture & Workforce Are Key to the Value of a Currency
October 9, 2019
QUESTION: Hi Martin – was reading your latest post where you say “All currency is backed by the total productive capacity of its people.” –...
EconomicsFacebook Shuts Down its AI System
August 1, 2017
A lot of people are using the issue that Facebook shut down its AI system when it began to create its own language as a short-cut in communication between two bots....
AI ComputersLanguage & Culture are the Keys
January 13, 2017
QUESTION: Martin Really enjoy the blog & Socrates. Has given me insights I otherwise would have never had. You have mentioned that one of the reasons why the...
Politics Q&ACurrency v Language
January 12, 2017
QUESTION: Do language and currencies move in line with each other? Is language a leading indicator to currency i.e. Spanish in California. Will they create their...
America's Economic History Civil UnrestEven Language Has a Cycle
May 20, 2016
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, it seems that there is a cycle to everything. I am starting to notice there appears to be cycles in the use of words especially in a legal...
History Understanding CyclesLanguage is the Key to an Empire
September 5, 2015
Bush is taking on Trump over his comment to uphold English as America’s primary language. “We’re a nation that speaks English. Whether we like it or...
2016 U.S. Presidential ElectionEurope’s Lack of Integration v USA Discrimination
June 24, 2015
There is little doubt that Europe is moving into what Jefferson described as the third phase of government: Force. The federalization of Europe is now the number...
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