Tag: Larry Fink
BlackRock Backtracks on Stakeholder Capitalism
March 5, 2024
BlackRock finally admitted that their ESG policies in the name of shareholder capitalism have been bad for business. “BlackRock’s business, scale and...
Great Reset EconomicsThe Ruse of Bitcoin & Crypto
February 21, 2024
BlackRock CEO & World Economic Forum Trustee Board Member Larry Fink Turns Bullish on Bitcoin Larry Fink has changed his tune on crypto, saying suddenly it...
CryptocurrencyBlackRock and State Street Subpoenaed over ESG Goals
December 19, 2023
The House Judiciary Committee has issued subpoenas to BlackRock and State Street as part of an investigation into the firms’ promotion of environmental,...
Great ResetUKRAINE RECONSTRUCTION BANK – BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase Own Ukraine
June 26, 2023
Zelensky has sold out Ukraine to JPMorgan and BlackRock. While everyone was distracted with trivial news stories, BlackRock and JPMorgan partnered with the...
Great Reset WarBiden Backed BlackRock’s Push for the ESG
June 5, 2023
(images directly from BlackRock’s website – click on them to enlarge) The first bill that President Joe Biden vetoed was a bill intended to dissolve the...
Climate Great ResetWarren & Fink – Hillary’s Choices?
November 2, 2016
The rumor running around Washington is that Hillary will betray Wall Street and hand over the reigns of power to Elizabeth Warren, who has been supporting Hillary....
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