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Tag: Larry Summers

Unemployment Expected to Rise

Jerome Powell recently admitted that combating inflation will lead to rising unemployment. Powell admitted that to establish price stability, the labor market will...

Did the American Rescue Plan Cause Inflation?

The Biden Administration reiterated that its $1.9 trillion 2021 American Rescue Plan awarded “resilience” to the US economy. The remarks come after the plan,...

Insider v Outsider

Larry Summers said to Yannis Varoufakis: “ ‘There are two kinds of politicians,’ he said: ‘insiders and outsiders. The outsiders prioritize their freedom to...

Larry Summers – Who Admits He Cannot Forecast – Forecasts Trump

QUESTION: Marty; Did you see Larry Summer’s comments on Trump. Is this guy completely insane? He says Trump is proposing things off the planet. Wasn’t...

Confused? When Will This End?

QUESTION: Dear Martin, First of all, thank you for your daily blogs. First thing I read every morning. I can’t wait to attend Novembers Orlando conference....

Negative Interest Rates Destroying the World Economy

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I think I am starting to see the light you have been shining. Negative interest rates really are “completely insane”. I also...

The Stupidity of Those In Power Has No Boundaries Whereas Genius Has Its Limits

The insanity of NEGATIVE INTEREST RATES, instigated by Larry Summers, is based upon the stupid idea that lowering interest rates will stimulate borrowing and thus...

Larry Summers Calls to End $100 Billis — Here Comes the Totalitarian State

  Larry Summers, the father of NEGATIVE INTEREST RATES, is so against a free society and looks upon us as dumb cattle to be herded and corralled for his...

Summers Blames People Who Save

We are simply drowning with people in charge who have no real world experience. According to the former US Treasury Secretary and Harvard economist Larry Summers...