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Tag: Lenin

Democrats Praying for a Trump Assassination?

  COMMENT: I have been a Democrat all my life, and I am 72. I suppose I was a Democrat because my father was. Like you, after watching what they have been...

Klaus Schwab – How to Rule the World – Maybe!

    Klaus Schwab does not understand human nature or how the world economy functions. He preaches Stakeholder Economics which failed and was instituted...

Schwab’s Admiration for Lenin

I can verify that this photo going around of Schwab with a statue of Lenin on his bookshelf is genuine. He really does have that in his office. This is based upon...

YouTube Censoring Putin for Disagreeing with Lenin

  Putin did an interview where he revealed what he thought about Lenin’s entire Communist movement. He made it very clear that Lenin was NOT a statesman but...

Putin says Lenin Destroyed 1,000-Year-Old Russia   Putin reveals what he thought about Lenin’s entire Communist movement, making it clear...

It’s Time to Investigate Journalists for Inside Trading

  The Washington Post is hellbent on trying to undermine the US economy solely for politics. The death rate is really less than 1%. I just went to the doctor...

World War III – 2024-2027?

QUESTION: Besides the Bible, there are many clairvoyants who predict that there will be World War III. Your models predict the rise in war tensions. What is your...