Tag: Liquidity
The Coming European Crisis
October 6, 2019
QUESTION: Hi Martin, first of all thank you for being alive and bring your knowledge to the world. I am also worried for when you will not be here, wondering if...
European UnionStaying Liquid May Be the Best Bet
October 3, 2019
QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong. I hope that you will please give me some advice on the following topics. Sorry for the grammar. I live in Denmark and have been saving...
Real EstateClosing Floor Trading Will Add to Liquidity Crisis
July 23, 2015
The CME has closed floor trading, which I contend will add to the crisis in LIQUIDITY. It is true that the argument has been that the floor traders amount to only a...
World EventsWill Puerto Rico Be the Next Greece?
June 29, 2015
On Monday, Puerto Rico is set to release a key report on its financial stability. Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla told The New York Times that the island would...
Caribbean Sovereign Debt CrisisBlog Alerts
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