Tag: Lockdown
China’s Extreme Lockdown Measures
May 2, 2022
The Chinese government is taking its zero-COVID, zero-freedom policy to a new extreme. Government workers are now locking people within their homes to prevent them...
ChinaThe World’s Busiest Shipping Port is Closed
April 13, 2022
Shanghai went under a full lockdown at the end of March under China’s zero-COVID tolerance policy. When cases allegedly rose, China extended the lockdown...
China World TradeThe End of Britain?
November 4, 2020
COMMENT: Marty, Each day that passes the picture becomes more clear….. In this case, Britain stating that workers will get 80% of wages paid during the...
BRITAINAnti-Lockdown Protestors Are Being Called Conspiracy Theorists
October 28, 2020
The fourth anti-Lockdown protest erupted in London once again. Wikipedia, the leftist controlled pretend neutral media platform, has compiled a list of lockdown...
Rule of LawGovernments Ending Free Societies
August 13, 2020
COVID deaths have fallen in Britain by 96%. Even the number of people infected who are seeking some treatment fell from 17,000 per day to 700. The real question is...
July 9, 2020
In Europe, several places (cities and entire regions within a number of countries) have already locked down for a second time, and many others have returned to...
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