Tag: Macron
The French Elections – What Now?
May 8, 2017
Macron won about 65% to Le Pen 35%. Even Obama came out in support of Macron which obviously confirms Macron is the supporter of the establishment – not...
European Union France PoliticsMacron’s Victory at 65% is Part I – Part II Parliament Elections in June
May 7, 2017
Le Pen conceded but will lead her Party in the Parliamentary elections next month. Macron paid a token gesture saying he understands the anger of 35% of the people...
France PoliticsObama Tells French to Vote for Macron Proving He is Establishment Doing What He Accused Putin of Supporting Le Pen and Trump
May 7, 2017
Obama Intervenes in French election proving Macron is an establishment and represents no change for France thereby sealing its doom. Of course, Obama is doing...
France PoliticsThe Euro & French Elections
May 4, 2017
QUESTION: Martin You said the turning point will be on Monday May 8th. Could it be in connection with the result of the french election on May 7th? If it is...
France PoliticsLe Pen Seeks to Broaden Her Support
April 26, 2017
French Presidential candidate Marine Le Pen says she is temporarily stepping down as head of her National Front party. She is still in the race, just attempting to...
France PoliticsThe French Elections & Socrates
April 24, 2017
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I saved your article from November 25th last year where your computer forecast the collapse of mainstream politics. Macron was not even in...
France PoliticsThe French Debates – Le Pen Wins = Bullish for Europe – Loss = Devastation for Euorpe
April 5, 2017
France holds its first round of voting on the 23rd of April, 2017. Unless one candidate wins more than 50% of the vote, the two leading contenders will go to a...
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