Tag: Mainstream Media
Trudeau Expands Ministry of Truth
October 3, 2023
The elites do not want the people openly discussing ideas. They are threatened by original thoughts and want to limit our available information for their...
International NewsAll Media is Propaganda – The Big 6
May 24, 2023
@growthjourneyx news is all the same… link in bio. #joerogan #news #propaganda ♬ Polozhenie – Izzamuzzic Remix – Скриптонит What you learn...
CensorshipDemocrats Can’t Beat Trump With All Actors & Media on Their SIde
June 23, 2017
Despite having Hollywood, Google, Mainstream Media, and countless violent activists, the Democrats still can’t beat Trump. They just do not comprehend what is...
PoliticsMainstream Media is Dying — Facebook Recognizes Trend
July 6, 2016
Mainstream media is dying. Their biased coverage of the election will go down in history. Facebook’s latest announcement demonstrates how the younger...
2016 U.S. Presidential Election USA Current EventsPolitical Corruption Sanctioned by Mainstream Press?
September 5, 2015
The press is cleverly twisting the Hillary e-mail scandal to her benefit by narrowing their focus on what qualifies as “secret” instead of the fact that she...
2016 U.S. Presidential ElectionPolls Show the Public Does Not Trust the Press
August 30, 2015
The polls show that the public distrusts the mainstream press. That is one poll they do not report because it is about them. The media generally dismisses any poll...
2016 U.S. Presidential ElectionBlog Alerts
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