Tag: manufacturing
China Eyes Vacant VW Factories
January 21, 2025
Germany’s failing auto sector may prove to be an integral power play for China, as Chinese OEMs are eyeing soon-to-be vacant Volkswagen (VW) factories. Volkswagen...
World Trade European Union IMFThe Coming EU Depression into 2028?
December 3, 2024
QUESTION: I want to apologize and thank you. I thought you were just a Trump supporter, but your warning that his tariffs can send the world into a depression...
Economics European Union IMF PoliticsHow to Read the July Jobs Report
September 9, 2024
The Bureau of Labor and Statistics released its report for July, indicating a slight uptick in employment. It is difficult to trust BLS data after their latest data...
EconomicsMade in Mexico
July 9, 2024
US manufacturing is in trouble as companies move offshore to avoid taxation, high wages, and asinine green legislation. John Deere, an American branded company,...
World TradeJune Jobs Report is WEAK
July 9, 2024
The June jobs report revealed better than anticipated results with 206,000 new jobs now added to the US economy. Is Bidenomics working? Absolutely not. The jobs...
EconomicsUS Failing to Add 1 Million Manufacturing Jobs
April 10, 2024
I have already criticized the March jobs report released by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics. The mainstream media is cheering the 303,000 position boost as proof...
World Trade ClimateAuto Manufacturers Compete to Create EVs
December 27, 2021
As gas prices soar, the plan to switch to electric vehicles (EVs) seems more appealing to the average consumer which is the secret behind the curtain to make...
TechnologyWorld Trade
May 29, 2019
COMMENT: Hi Marty I agree with Trump. Assembling in the U S is not sufficient. We need the supply chain parts (eg manufacturing ) in the US. What do we do when we...
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