Tag: Marcus Aurelius
The Major Fractal Wave of the Economic Confidence Model & 2032.95
June 4, 2024
Here is the Economic Confidence Model at the very high end to all the questions about how high up the fractal structure can be defined. We are in the grand Public...
ECMMass Urban Exodus
November 17, 2020
It is fascinating to me personally how our computer could forecast that real estate would be declining in the major urban centers and rising in the suburbs three...
MigractionWhich Roman Emperor was Really “the Great”
June 6, 2019
QUESTION: Why Constantine the Great? Mr Armstrong, Of the 170 or so Roman emperors from 27BC to 476AD only one carries the title “the Great” and that...
Ancient HistoryChina & its Monetary History
August 4, 2016
QUESTION: Marty, it was interesting for you to mention some chinese history including the mongol empire the other day. i am currently studying the monetary...
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