Tag: Mario Draghi
Italians Against the Green Pass
October 19, 2021
Italians are taking to the streets to protest the country’s “Green Pass” mandate that requires public and private sector workers to present...
ItalyDraghi Lied; Claims the ECB Is Withdrawing the €500 Note for Crime and Not Taxes
February 16, 2016
Mario Draghi has claimed that the European Central Bank would withdraw its €500 highest-denomination banknote only to combat crime— not to curb the use of...
America's Economic History The Hunt for TaxesCrude – Equities – Euro
January 21, 2016
We will post a 35-minute video update to the World Economic forum (see “Helpful Video” thread) that will cover key markets. We have warned that January...
UncategorizedIt's Always Corruption – Just Follow the Money
December 18, 2015
Christine Lagarde has been threatening countries to turnover the rich or they would be removed from the Swift Code system, which would disable them to receive or...
European UnionThe Euro and Why the Dollar Will Not Be Dethroned
September 4, 2015
In the Eurozone, Mario Draghi has announced that his quantitative easing has failed to produce inflation as everyone assumed. After nine months of buying various...
Euro € USD $ World EventsThere is No Hope of Stopping the Crisis in Europe
July 3, 2015
QUESTION: Mr Armstrong; A friend works for a ….. Hedge Fund. He said you could put together a team to save Europe. Would you take up such a challenge? Thank...
Eastern Europe Q&A Western EuropeLetter from Tsipras to the Troika
July 1, 2015
Here is the Letter from Greece to the Troika The letter, written by Alexis Tsipras, is addressed to Jean Claude Juncker, Mario Draghi, and Christine Lagarde....
European Union Sovereign Debt Crisis Western EuropeMario Draghi Backs Down on Greece
June 18, 2015
We are really plagued by people in government who are totally clueless on how markets trade. They have been arrogant in assuming they do not need Greece and if they...
European Union Sovereign Debt CrisisVELOCITY of Money Below Great Depression Levels
June 1, 2015
The New York banks have been my adversary, to say the least. Alan Cohen, the court receiver put in charge of running Princeton Economics, was simultaneously on the...
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