Tag: Mark Rutte
NATO Urges Cuts to Social Programs to Finance War Machine
January 17, 2025
NATO’s new Secretary-General Mark Rutte believes that members must reduce spending on social programs to redirect funds into the war effort. Rutte is prepared...
European Union IMF WarWEF Lobbied Dutch Government to Push Great Reset
June 28, 2023
I reported that the Dutch government funded several studies that promoted major institutions buying land for rental units. I wrote that the government wanted to...
Great ResetNetherlands Objects to France’s Attempt to get EU Funding in a Crisis
April 19, 2019
The Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, is objecting to France’s desired changes to the EU budget. France wants aid with the inclusion of the...
European UnionDavos Exposing EU’s Date with Destiny
January 25, 2017
The European Parliament elected a new speaker last week in an unusually hotly contested vote that could strengthen Euroskeptic forces at a time when the EU faces...
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