Tag: markets
Money Rushing in Emerging Markets & Europe – Really?
May 15, 2017
QUESTION: Martin; it seems the Emerging Markets are back in favor just as interest rates are on the rise and their dollar borrowings have exploded. Is this the...
Dow Jones Emerging Markets European UnionEmerging Market Debt Expanding Twice the Rate of 2016
May 9, 2017
The view that BREXIT is a creating uncertainty in Europe with the swell of populism, the demand for dollar denominated debt has been strong over the past year. This...
Emerging MarketsThe Dow & The Future – May 1st, 2017
May 1, 2017
The closing for April in the Dow Jones Industrial Index was very interesting to say the least. The closing at 20940.51 was just under our numbers defining bullish...
Dow JonesBenchmarks to False Moves – The Constant Cycle of Change
March 31, 2017
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You said China will become the financial capital of the world after 2032. That means the US must decline. At the same time, you have...
Understanding CyclesThe Dollar – Media – Interest Rates – Politics
March 24, 2017
QUESTION: Hi Marty, A couple of questions please. When the Feds raised the rates last week why did the dollar mover lower? Also, with the trend change...
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