Tag: mask mandate
Masks Now Embedded in Japanese Culture
April 4, 2023
Comment: You know, mask wearing in japan was officially ended 5 weeks ago. And there has been no change of practice whatsoever. Mask wearing continues at close to...
DiseaseJudge Rules CDC Mask Mandate Unconstitutional
April 20, 2022
US District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle has determined that the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) violated the law by forcing travelers to wear...
DiseaseAOC Survives Omicron Despite 99.9% Survival Rate
January 20, 2022
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) contracted COVID while partying during her Florida vacation and enjoying the freedoms she denies to her own supporters. I have...
PoliticsBoris Johnson Unmasks the UK
January 20, 2022
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is aiming to win back favor by announcing the end of all plan B COVID restrictions that were imposed in December when omicron...
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