Tag: Massachusetts
10% of Massachusetts Residents on Welfare
October 14, 2024
672,483 new EBT cards in 14 months—a 34.6% surge! With 2.6M active cards, these numbers don’t add up. The MassGOP stands with @Kelly4StateRep in calling for a...
CorruptionMigrants in Massachusetts Eat Better Than US Citizens
February 23, 2024
"Thank you for supporting us" says a group of migrants when I asked if they had a message for President Biden. The group said they were from Honduras and...
USA Current EventsChristians Barred from Fostering Children in Massachusetts
August 15, 2023
I reported in April that Oregon’s Department of Human Services announced it would prevent some Christian families from adopting children due to their “extreme...
WOKEMassachusetts Residents Asked to House Illegal Migrants
August 11, 2023
Our politicians have absolutely no idea how to handle the massive wave of migrants sweeping the nation and are proposing brain-dead solutions. Massachusetts is the...
ImmigrationMassachusetts Seeks to Change its Constitution to Use Taxes to Discriminate Against People
February 14, 2019
The politicians have a golden rule. When the courts prevent them from raising a tax, they call it something else to impose it. Massachusetts, the bastion of...
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