Tag: Medicare
Free Healthcare in California
January 3, 2024
Governor Gavin Newsom recently announced that California will be providing healthcare free of charge! The only caveat is that you must be an illegal migrant...
USA Current EventsKamala Harris – Medicare for All
August 19, 2019
QUESTION: Marty, what do you make of Harris’s Medicare-for-all plan joining Bernie Sanders? Is this just another way the destroy the society? HY ANSWER: There...
Opinion PoliticsGerman Healthcare Deficit 300% Greater than Expected Due to Refugees
June 6, 2018
Healthcare costs have been exploding even in Germany. The revisions in healthcare of about two years ago did expand the coverage, but the expanded costs...
Germany medicine RefugeesMedicare Costs May Jump 52% in 2016
September 1, 2015
Before, I never had to pay when I picked up medicine for my mother. Ever since Obamacare, I have to pay a fair amount. Now, almost one-third of the roughly 50...
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