Tag: medicine
Medical Schools Eliminating MCAT in Favor of Diversity
May 11, 2023
Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) is “a standardized, multiple-choice examination designed to assess your problem-solving, critical thinking, and knowledge of...
WOKEAntidepressant Prescription Sales Spike
April 27, 2022
A SingleCare Team study revealed the majority of the US population takes some form of a prescription pill. The insurance agency found that the number of people...
medicineIf Vaccines are Safe Why Did Congress Eliminate Your Right to Sue Pharmaceutical Companies?
December 17, 2019
COMMENT #1: Thank you so much for your blog on “Pharmaceutical Companies & Buying Immunity”. We are dealing with the same laws trying to be passed...
CorruptionEbola Rising Again in Africa
October 28, 2019
While the bad news is Ebola has risen again and spread, the good news is that there has been an experimental vaccine that appears to have been 97.5% effective. The...
Disease PlaguesAI Computer Systems – Do They Need to be Regulated?
November 23, 2016
QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for your incredible contribution to humanity, everything you have done so far would take thousands of average humans to achieve. I am...
AI ComputersThe Superbug Has Arrived
December 11, 2015
For years, there have been warnings that the overuse of antibiotics was a danger. Now that danger has arrived. A new superbug has evolved, as life itself is always...
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