Tag: Meloni
Trudeau Fails to Explain Democracy to Meloni
May 23, 2023
Italian Prime Minister Georgia Meloni tuned out Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as he attempted to explain to her “democracy.” Is democracy when you jail...
PoliticsLe Pen Criticizes Meloni – Encourages France to Leave NATO
April 17, 2023
“I’m not Meloni’s twin sister, I remain faithful to Salvini,” French politician Marine Le Pen said in regard to the Italian PM. Le Pen...
PoliticsMeloni Set to Abolish Italy’s Welfare State
November 25, 2022
Italy’s new PM Giorgia Meloni revealed her first economic initiatives with a budget of 21 billion euros. The Italian government will no longer provide free...
ItalyBerlusconi and Putin
October 24, 2022
Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has close ties to Vladimir Putin. Berlusconi, leader of the Forza Italia party, now serves as a junior partner under...
Italy Politics WarMatteo Renzi Defends Rival Giorgia Meloni
September 30, 2022
The media is clearly in the wrong when politicians from the other end of the spectrum are coming out to condemn fake news. Former Italian PM Matteo Renzi (2014 to...
Italy PoliticsItaly’s New PM Giorgia Meloni – a Woman, Mother, Italian, and Christian
September 27, 2022
The Italian people have voted for a conservative prime minister, and the globalists are panicking. Giorgia Meloni has long been skeptical about Italy’s place in...
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