Tag: Merkel
Is Tsipras an Idiot or a Fool?
July 14, 2015
The left-wing Syriza Party of Greece is starting to question what Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is up to. Merkel is demanding austerity FIRST before any loans....
Western EuropeGreece – Selling Out to the Establishment
July 11, 2015
Alexis Tsipras, Prime Minister of Greece, has sold his country out to the failed ideas of the euro. There is no possible way for this deal to work for it will bring...
European UnionGermany & France Still Demand Repayment
July 7, 2015
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her French counterpart Francois Hollande have called on Greece to make “serious” proposals. There is no such thing...
Western EuropeMerkel’s Amnesia: What Goes Around Does Not Always Come Around
July 3, 2015
Merkel is obsessed with the German hyperinflation (which leads to demands for austerity) and assumes that her personal promise that Greece will be made to pay back...
Europe's Economic History European Union Sovereign Debt Crisis Western EuropeDebt Deals & Grexit
June 10, 2015
It is all show. Now, Merkel desperately wants to bring a signed bailout deal with Greece to secure the euro. Greece managed to raise nearly €3 billion at its debt...
World EventsScandals, Scandals, & More Scandals
May 1, 2015
One of the strangest aspects of politics is the so-called socialists who argue they are for the people, but tend to be the most dangerous in society. In ancient...
World EventsGreece Has Done All it Could – Final Days Approach
April 24, 2015
The Greece crisis started precisely on the turning point for the Sovereign Debt Crisis to the day from our original projection in 1985. It was just amazing to watch...
Sovereign Debt Crisis Western EuropeBlog Alerts
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