Tag: Microsoft
The Corruption Continues to Surface
October 20, 2021
Recently, more sources have been confirming that indeed there was an advance notice that a “virus is coming.” I know even a few hedge funds that took...
TyrannyBill Gates Pushing to Eliminate Physical Money
July 23, 2020
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, why is Bill Gates pushing to eliminate all physical money? AS ANSWER: This is part of the strategy behind Microsoft. They continuously...
CryptocurrencyGates’ Dream of Controlling the World is Hitting a Brick Wall
June 24, 2020
Bill Gates and Microsoft have been banned in Russia. This is seriously preventing Bill Gates’ dream of vaccinating the entire world so he can track everyone....
Disease RussiaWindows 10 – Be VERY Careful!
August 2, 2015
Once again, Microsoft screwed the world with its Windows 10 feature called Wi-Fi Sense. This nasty feature has serious legal implications for it will automatically...
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