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Tag: Money Supply

Does an Increase in the Money Supply Lead to Inflation?

The old idea that inflation is created by an increase in money supply has distorted the minds of many people. Inflation is caused by numerous factors for it is not...

The Money Supply Always Increases in Time of War

QUESTION: Your chart on the Roman money supply shows a huge spike going into 87BC.  Was that just because of the Social War? GS ANSWER: No. During the autumn of...

Why the Quantity of Money Theory is DEAD Wrong

COMMENT: Bill Gross says you are wrong and helicopter money is coming and the Fed should print trillions to buy government bonds. Any comments? REPLY:Gross is not...

Gold & Propaganda

QUESTION:  i read your latest piece on gold…..i see your rationale for inflation not causing gold to rise but rather an erosion in confidence of government...

Gold — Money Supply — Media

QUESTION: Hello Martin, First let me say thank you for all that you do keeping us informed on the markets and geopolitical events. I’ve been an avid reader of...

Gold & Money Supply

QUESTION: Sir; Will the Fed start to print money again if the economy turns down and does this not cause gold to rise? Thank you for your insight in this confusing...

INFLATION – Multi-Dimensional Confusion

The old idea that inflation is created by an increase in money supply has distorted the minds of many people. Inflation is caused by numerous factors for it is...

The Supply Side of Gold

A gold standard has never worked for one primary reason: the “money supply” cannot increase based upon economic conditions or politicians, rather it can...

Velocity of Money

The decline in the VELOCITY of money is rather alarming. On the one hand, it reflects the declining liquidity within the marketplace from the rising trend of...