Tag: Mortgages
Millennials Priced Out of Home Ownership
November 22, 2021
Why do 20% of Millennials (25-40-year-olds) in the US believe homeownership is completely unobtainable? To start, rentals across the US are on the rise. The Fair...
Real EstateBanks – Interest Rates – Mortgages
January 14, 2020
COMMENT: Martin, as an avid follower, I took your advice to heart to try to fix our interest rate for the loan we have on our house. This was the answer I got from...
Interest Rates Real EstateEuropean Bank Failure & Conflicts in Law in US Branches
October 4, 2019
QUESTION: Hi Marty – Thank you for the insight you provide as regards how the world really works. Spending 10 minutes reading your daily blog is equivalent to...
Banking CrisisEconomic & Real Estate Bubbles
January 31, 2019
QUESTION: I work in the construction industry in Phoenix Arizona and there has been a boom in new construction for apartments, condos massive housing tracts and all...
Real EstateRomanian Private Debt Crisis Erupting
December 19, 2015
COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Dear Mr. Armstrong, What you wrote concerning the possible repeated start of the banks collapse from Austria, once again, is right. The...
Eastern Europe Q&AExpect Real Estate Mortgages to Become a Nightmare
June 17, 2015
As a result of Title XIV of The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (another agency to complicate...
Real Estate USA Current EventsThe Hunt For Money Is Everywhere
June 17, 2015
COMMENT: Hi Martin, Long time follower. I just bought a house in TN and I had the experience of proving where the money from a Vanguard account transferred into my...
America's Economic History Q&A The Hunt for TaxesThe Feds Are Hunting Money Retroactively – Is a Real Estate Crash Coming?
June 16, 2015
If you apply for a mortgage, you will suddenly encounter the REAL hunt for money. My sister just bought a house and to get the mortgage she had to explain every...
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