Tag: myocarditis
Their Medicine is Poison
March 16, 2022
Pfizer chief Albert Bourla is now insisting that the COVID vaccine will be needed annually, akin to a flu shot. “It is necessary, a fourth booster right now,”...
VaccineThe British Heart Foundation Normalizes Heart Failure in Young Athletes
January 7, 2022
The British Heart Foundation recently released this deranged advertisement showing a young female football (soccer for the Americans) player collapsing on the...
Corruption DiseaseWhy Are Young Athletes Dying?
January 5, 2022
There is a disturbing YouTube montage mentioning a small fraction of otherwise healthy young athletes who suddenly died last year. This is not a normal occurrence....
DiseaseTop Cardiologist Warns of Deadly Vaccine Induced Myocarditis in Children
December 12, 2021
Dr. Peter McCullough, a top cardiologist in his field, has warned that myocarditis due to the vaccine is “way more serious” than myocarditis contracted from the...
Disease VaccineYoung Athletes Dying After COVID-19 Vaccine
December 9, 2021
The pinnacle of health, athletes seem to have an edge over the rest of society. Their grueling workout and nutrition programs, mixed with natural genetic...
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