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Tag: New York

Spread the Word on RULE 2.13 Thank you to JustJefferson14 for sharing the piece I wrote on New...

Congestion Taxes Coming to NYC

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) believes that taxation could decrease traffic congestion in New York. Vehicles will be charged an additional $15...

New York Loses $12 Million Per Day Due to Shoplifting

Gov. Kathy Hochul is a menace who is setting fire to what remains of the once beloved state of New York. Hochul is responsible for rule 2.13 and is one of the most...

Rule 2.13 – Isolation and Quarantine Procedures

The Appellate Division of the Fourth Judicial Department reversed the Borrello, Lawler, Tague, Uniting NYS v. Hochul ruling. Senator George Borrello, Assemblyman...

State Wealth Migration

In 2019, New York hosted 72 billionaires. That figure has declined to 62 in 2023, with smart money fleeing the state due to high taxes and crime. The state of New...

Migrants Imploding Welfare State

People are coming to America for a better life at your expense. The excuse that migrants came here to work and contribute to our society does not match the...

Social Justice Warrior Murdered – Family & Friends Apologize to Killer

Ryan Thoresen Carson, 32, was a self-proclaimed liberal social justice warrior. He worked as a campaign manager for the New York Public Interest Research Group...

Former NY Gov Predicts Mass Uprising Over Migrants

Ex-NY Gov. David Paterson (D) admitted that he sees revolt as the only solution to the migrant crisis. The Democrat and former governor said he does not understand...

New Yorkers: Give Us Pizza or Give Us Death

“Give us pizza or give us death,” the restaurant owner in the video above chanted while throwing pizza slices at City Hall. You have to love a New Yorker’s...


There is something strange in the air. Are we to believe that what is occurring is simply the result of wildfires in Canada all occurring simultaneously? Official...