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Tag: New York

NY Cops Who Refuse to Get Vaccinations Must Wear Masks

New York City cops who have refused to get vaccines are told they must wear masks, even though they do absolutely nothing. As I reported before, all the studies...

Migration Continues

A friend had renovated a house on the intercostal, and after three years of work, she put it up for sale, more than doubling her money, and she received her first...

Rule of Law – Florida v New York

QUESTION: With Wall Street banks migrating to Florida, will the courts there protect them as they do in New York. Will legal action in Florida be forced back to New...

NYC in Crash Mode?

New York City is dying thanks to COVID. It has really killed Broadway. When I would often go to a play, the vast majority were tourists from overseas. I would often...

Over 100,000 Millionaires/Billionaires Have Moved from NYC to Florida

The Great COVID Migration Interestingly, at least 33,565 New Yorkers exchanged their NY driver’s licenses for Florida credentials between September 2020 and...

Beijing Beats New York City

A number of people often send nasty emails because they do not like the forecast that China will become the next financial capital of the world. The forecasts we...

The Conspiracy Against the People Will Fail

I have been warning that despite all their influence via the World Economic Forum, Gates Foundation, and Soros’ Open-Society calling for a one-world...

Real Estate Boom – Mass Exodus from Cities

We are witnessing a phenomenal shift in real estate where everyone is bailing out of urban cities throughout the country. Even property in the Hamptons has been...

The Two Worst States Are Running the Country?

  COMMENT:  I find it interesting how the two worse-run states in the country are the ones who lead Congress. This does not give me confidence in the future....