Tag: New Zealand
New Zealand May Approve Assisted Suicide for COVID Patients
December 30, 2021
New Zealand has unofficially approved assisted euthanasia for a virus with a ~98% survival rate. Under the End of Life Choice Act (EOLCA) that passed in 2020,...
Disease EthicsNew Zealand’s Tobacco Industry to Become Obsolete
December 12, 2021
New Zealand plans to make the tobacco industry obsolete among future generations. Associate Health Minister Dr. Ayesha Verrall announced plans to pass the Smokefree...
RegulationOff to See the Wizard – Sorry He’s Gone
October 17, 2021
OMG. We now can confirm the world is about to end! New Zealand has fired its official government Wizard. What has the world come to? New Zealand actually had an...
HumorNew Zealand – Vaccinate or “Move on”
April 16, 2021
PM Ardern has announced basically get vaccinated to work or move on....
UncategorizedDaniel Andrews – Australia’s Dictator – Crimes Against Humanity
September 4, 2020
The tyranny of using this virus to shut down and rig elections is extremely dangerous. The New Zealand government has locked down Auckland after just four new cases...
Australia & OceaniaNew Zealand – Bucking the Trend to Move Cashless?
September 3, 2015
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand revealed new $5 and $10 notes. However, Reserve Bank deputy governor Geoff Bascand was asked directly if the redesigns could be the...
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