Tag: Nikkei
Strange Movement in Capital Flows – Someone is Trying to Push Markets
April 29, 2016
There is a lot of volume focusing on the yen and the Nikkei. It appears someone is trying to push the markets through support and there is a lot of volume taking...
Nikkei Yen ¥Shanghai & Tokyo Share Markets
January 7, 2016
The computer always beats anyone who tries to forecast...
UncategorizedHow Stocks Rise in an Economic Decline
November 19, 2015
QUESTION: Marty, Japan is in another recession but the Nikkei continues to go up!! I assume this is mainly because of the carry trade?? Your thought, please....
East AsiaThe Three-Month Rout as People Fear New Asian Crisis
August 24, 2015
This three-month rout in equities is scaring the hell out of everyone. It has changed the view that the Fed will not raise rates, which has sent the dollar lower in...
World EventsChinese Stocks Continue to Collapse as World Economy Prepares for Nosedive
August 19, 2015
Asian shares have retreated. Even the Nikkei has fallen back to two-year lows, following Chinese shares as they further their sharp correction plunge, dropping so...
East Asia Forecasts Nikkei Shanghai CompositeBlog Alerts
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