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Tag: North Korea

North Korean Troops in Ukraine May Never Return Home

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un has refused to repatriate the bodies of soldiers killed fighting on behalf of Russia. Reports are circulating that Russia has...

US Opens Dialogue with North Korea

Donald Trump’s policy of meeting directly with world leaders is admirable. The world has been on high alert over North Korea’s involvement in the Russia-Ukraine...

Don’t Blame the People of North Korea

It is hard to blame North Koreans for joining the war effort alongside Russia, considering the conditions of life in the Hermit Kingdom. Reports are circulating...

North Korean Troops in Russia – Now What?

Geopolitics is in upheaval ever since it was revealed that Kim Jong-Un sent an undisclosed number of troops to Russia. Various politicians and military leaders are...

North Korea & War By 2025

North Korea has threatened to use nuclear weapons if the US threatens its sovereignty. South Korea does not possess nuclear weapons but is protected by the United...

North Korea Will Send Troops to Ukraine

A week after meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-Un has declared that he will send troops to Ukraine in the Donetsk region. Russia has already...

North Korea Engages in Biowarfare?

North Korea’s qualms with its southern neighbor have long been a petty battle. North Korea floated 1,000 balloons filled with trash and fecal matter to South...

North Korea and Russia Join Forces

If there is one country that the West and Japan fear more than Russia, it is North Korea. Dictator Kim Jong-Un repeatedly threatens nuclear warfare, but that is his...

Russia Deems South Korea an Unfriendly Nation

Russia’s ties to North Korea have strained its relationship with South Korea. South Korea has placed sanctions on Russian entities and individuals, with Russia...

North Korea backs Russia

@skynews #VladimirPutin and #KimJongUn appear before cameras, with support for Russia’s #military aggression declared in public by NorthKorea. Watch more @Sky...