Tag: omicron
Doctor Who Discovered Omicron Variant Was Forced to Lie About Severity
February 14, 2022
Dr. Angelique Coetzee, head of the South African Medical Association and one of the doctors who discovered omicron, admitted that she was pressured not to reveal...
Corruption DiseaseAOC Survives Omicron Despite 99.9% Survival Rate
January 20, 2022
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) contracted COVID while partying during her Florida vacation and enjoying the freedoms she denies to her own supporters. I have...
PoliticsDid You Have Omicron Over Christmas?
January 4, 2022
Comment: The wife and I came down with om-moron-icron over Christmas, kids were fine. The family acted like it was a death sentence as we are a no vaccine home....
Disease OpinionThe Lack of Independent Thought
December 1, 2021
I find it really disturbing that people you thought were capable of independent thought turn out to be like a drone just maneuvering through life without a clue....
VaccineIs Big Pharma Punishing South Africa?
December 1, 2021
South Africa denied Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson from delivering additional vaccines. A day later, on November 25, the omicron variant was detected in the...
Africa ConspiracyTravel Bans are Racist if Implemented by the Right
November 30, 2021
In 2020, when the pandemic began, Joe Biden accused then President Trump of being a racist xenophobe for implementing a travel ban on Africa. The mainstream media...
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