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Tag: One World Government

Europe’s Digital Decade – 2030

The year 2030 will mark the beginning of Europe’s “Digital Decade,” according to the European Union, where our data and personal interactions will be...

15-Minute Cities Will Enslave the People “Make no mistake, it’s not about your convenience, and it’s not about saving the planet....

The World According to Schwab?

QUESTION:  Dear Mr. Armstrong, First, thank you for all the wonderful work you do. I have been following your blog for many years and am always amazed at your...

WHO’s Grand Play for World Power

QUESTION: Well Mr. Armstrong, it looks like you will be right on again. This new WHO treaty on pandemic response is their wet dream. I believe you said they will...

The UN & its Plan to Rule the World

  I have been in meetings over the 40 years of my career, which were always dancing around the idea that we needed a one-world government. There have been...

ECB & Troika Retaliate Against Greek People

Some readers sent in comments that my use of the phrase “World War III by economic means using the pen” was harsh, so let me state this very clearly. Brussels...