Tag: Opinion vs. Real Forecasting
Looking for Sanity in an Insane World
January 8, 2016
Why has China become so important? Largely because global investors are in this transition mode and do not understand how or why the foundation of everything is...
UncategorizedEconomists Do Not Try to Forecast the Business Cycle
December 17, 2015
QUESTION: Marty, it was fantastic to meet you in Berlin and the conference really opened my eyes. Can’t wait for the sneak preview of the Trader level...
Q&A Understanding CyclesThe Election of 2016
August 17, 2015
vs. Establishment Tons of e-mails have been pouring in asking (1) how our computer forecasts so many things, and (2) how it is often right decades in advance. The...
2016 U.S. Presidential ElectionRight or Wrong? The Search for Human Perfection
August 15, 2015
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Have you ever been wrong? ANSWER: On a personal level, of course. We learn from our mistakes, not from our successes. I do not understand...
Q&AThe View on Gold and Silver
August 3, 2015
QUESTION: Thanks for the latest posts.I have 3 queries if you care to consider them. Some years ago you used to say $5000 and $12000 when contemplating...
Gold Q&A SilverOPINIONS vs. Quantitative Modeling
July 9, 2015
QUESTION: Dear Martin, Do you expect all markets to align with the 2015.75 turning point (or the few months following, due to false moves)? Would, in this case,...
Socrates Understanding CyclesUnderstanding Trading
July 1, 2015
The most fundamental truth about trading is that your opponent is YOURSELF. The majority must be wrong because they are the fuel that propels the market. The...
Basic Concepts Understanding CyclesBlog Alerts
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