Tag: Paris
Paris Olympics Failure – Green Policies on Display
August 13, 2024
The Paris Olympics was a preview of what to expect under Agenda 2030 and other lofty climate change goals. Paris aimed to host the most sustainable Olympics in...
ClimateMigrants Responsible for 69% of Violent Crime in France
September 27, 2023
The migrants are more than an economic drain on society. These unaccompanied men with questionable morals are more prone to commit crimes. Forget being politically...
International NewsRefugees Take Over Paris Metro
April 18, 2016
Europe is being torn apart from the inside. In Paris, the metro station is turning into a slum and war zone. School gyms in Germany have been turned into dorms for...
European Union Western EuropeGlobal Warming & Climate Change: The Tax Agenda
October 5, 2015
In September, authorities banned cars from the streets of Paris in preparation for the 2015 Climate Change conference. Governments are behind the climate change...
The Hunt for TaxesA Vision for the Youth
September 15, 2015
In Paris, one of the top schools selected three students to appear of French TV with me to talk about the future. The pressing question was clear: what can they do...
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