Tag: Peter Doocy
Biden Spent 40% of Presidency on Vacation
September 1, 2023
Karine Jean-Pierre must take a deep breath when Peter Doocy enters the room, hence why she rarely calls on him for a question. Doocy has become emboldened with his...
USA Current EventsThe Economy is In a Better Place According to the White House
June 9, 2022
The White House has to be missing its former head of propaganda, Jen Psaki. The new White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre attempted to face off against...
PoliticsCity of Boston Doxes Unvaccinated Employees
February 16, 2022
After being declared a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” countless people harbor hate toward those who have not taken the vaccine. Rhetoric promoted by the media...
CorruptionBiden: “What a Stupid Son of a…”
February 11, 2022
Remember two weeks ago when President Joe Biden called Fox News reporter Peter Doocy a “stupid son of a b****” for asking about inflation? “Will...
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