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Tag: Pfizer

The ETHICS Act – End Insider Trading in Congress

Both Democrats and Republicans in the Senate can agree on one thing – Congress has been using classified information to illegally trade stocks. Our public...

The COVID Scam – Why the CDC Must Be Gutted

  Any doctor who supported COVID should NOT be your doctor. I found a new doctor who asked if I was vaccinated. I said NO!!!!! He said GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

FDA Study Finds COVID Vaccine Causes “Spontaneous Abortions”

An 8-page study entitled, “PREGNANCY AND LACTATION CUMULATIVE REVIEW” reveals that the FDA and Pfizer knew that the mRNA COVID vaccines were dangerous for...

Pfizer Price Hike

Our computer indicated that Pfizer was heading down. They’ve already convinced or coerced everyone eligible to take the vaccines. Those who have held out are...

Pfizer Never Tested the Vaccine Against Transmission

Socrates has been predicting a downturn for Pfizer’s stock. Could this newly released admission be one of the culprits? A senior Pfizer executive, Janine Small,...

Imagine the Compliance – Microchips are Coming

  The self-proclaimed elites have gathered in Switzerland at the World Economic Forum (WEF). One of the newest ideas is a microchip in pill form. No, this is...

Moderna Poised to Commit Infanticide

Moderna is officially coming for toddlers and infants under five. The company submitted a formal request with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), claiming the...

WHO: COVID Vaccine Can Cause Hearing Loss

The skeptics were concerned about the long-term effects of the mRNA vaccines. “Safe and effective” was the slogan promoted to the masses as the major...

Their Medicine is Poison

Pfizer chief Albert Bourla is now insisting that the COVID vaccine will be needed annually, akin to a flu shot. “It is necessary, a fourth booster right now,”...

Study: Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Integrates Into Our DNA

A new Swedish lab study shows that the mRNA vaccine integrates into our DNA at the cellular level – permanently. Study abstract: "Furthermore, a recent study...