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Tag: Pfizer

Pfizer Vaccine Only 12% Effective in Children 5 to 11

The government urged parents to expose their children to an experimental drug with unknown consequences to prevent a virus that has a statistically insignificant...

Pfizer Protest in Paris

Angry Parisians took to the streets to protest outside of the Pfizer building, shouting, “Assassin!” French President Macron plans to seek out his...

Facebook Continues to Mute the Truth

Facebook fact-checkers have become the new Gestapo by silencing anyone who opposes the Great Reset narrative. The Taliban is permitted to operate on social media....

WHO: Healthy Children Do Not Need Boosters

Soumya Swaminathan, the chief scientist at the World Health Organization (WHO), declared that COVID booster shots are not appropriate for healthy children. “The...

Is Trudeau in Bed with Big Pharma?


Brought to You By Pfizer

Big Pharma’s reach is more extensive than most understand. The video above shows some of Pfizer’s many sponsorships, a subtle nod to the billions of...

Pfizer: Pandemic to Become Endemic

Pfizer executives are now saying that the coronavirus may be downgraded to an endemic compared to a pandemic by 2024. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:...

Bill Gates Admits At Last the Vaccines Do Not Work!

    Bill Gates has finally admitted that his vaccines neither prevent you from getting COVID nor will they prevent you from spreading COVID. So what...

Child Hospitalized After Pfizer Vaccine Trial

User 668575910 · Patrick and Stephanie de Garay’s Phone Call with Pfizer trial Principal Investigator The following is a heartbreaking phone call between the...