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Tag: Pfizer

Big Pharma to Earn $124 Billion on COVID Vaccine Sales in 2022

COVID-19 was the most lucrative virus in perhaps the history of pharmaceuticals. After receiving government (taxpayer) funds through Operation Warp Speed to develop...

4.3 Million Quit Jobs in August – Vaccines?

The numbers are out — 4.3 million people in the US quit their jobs in August. This is the largest number since 2000. The leading sector is hotels and...

Pfizer Using Aborted Fetuses for Vaccines

  Pfizer is deliberately hiding the fact that they are using aborted fetal tissue in order to prevent religious exemptions both from governments and the...

Pfizer Filed to Vaccinate Kids Over 5 Years Old Today

  Pfizer just filed today with the US corrupt Biden Administration to allow the use of its COVID-19 vaccine in children ages 5 to 11 — and if regulators...

Pfizer & the Numbers

COMMENT: Hi Marty, I read your blog every morning. Here’s some interesting math for you. Number needed to vaccinate is 142 for Pfizer. (Moderna is 88 but I’ll...

Reaching September-October

QUESTION: Marty, we have reached the next target on your model from September to October. This indeed seems to be getting very dark. Any comments? HC   ANSWER:...

Pfizer Vaccine Linked to First Death & Birth Defects

The British report on side effects has confirmed well over 100,000 people have been impacted by the vaccines and confirmed that they might cause birth defects as...

Pfizer Shares Due to Peak Out?

QUESTION: Marty, Socrates has done a fantastic job of tracking Pfizer. What do you expect from 2022 which is a major turning point on your model? Thanks for a great...

Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says “Second Wave” Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, “Pandemic is Over”

COMMENT: If Gates and company are so intent on population reduction, then why not let the fake virus kill off more people? Stop masking and distancing and all the...