Tag: Philadelphia
Blue Cities Contemplate Mask Bans
December 14, 2023
Blue cities across the US are contemplating banning masks. A few years ago these cities would not allow people to enter public establishments without a mask. But...
USA Current EventsEagles Fans Heckle Jill Biden — Will Philly Turn Red?
October 19, 2022
COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong – Did you see this at last night’s game in Philadelphia (practically Biden’s backyard right near Delaware)? With the crowd so...
PoliticsDo You Feel Safe in America?
September 26, 2022
Crime has been rampant across America over the last two years. The economic downturn hurt low-income communities the most, and some are turning to crime for quick...
PoliticsFake COVID-19 Test Centers Appear in Philadelphia
January 6, 2022
Disturbingly, a number of fraudulent COVID-19 testing pop-up centers are appearing in major cities throughout the US. The Philadelphia Department of Public Health...
Corruption DiseaseThe Relocation of the Financial Capitol of the United States
October 13, 2016
QUESTION: Hi Marty, I have a question for you on the movement of the financial capital. Is there a reason it moved to NY (as apposed to VA, MA, or MD) in 1914?...
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