Tag: Plaza Accord
The Fed & The Collapse of Socialism
May 6, 2022
QUESTION: Been following Martin since 2008 (Gold ride) – he is the only one who has been right AU and AG top 2011. ****Important question for Martin, please...
Basic Concepts Economics InflationWhat is Different This Time Between 1987 & 2020 – 33 years Later?
June 9, 2020
QUESTION: Marty, I was there at your 1987 conference on the weekend of the crash. I was amazed, with many others, that you were able to say the futures would drop...
ECM EconomicsCan the US Government Really Force the Dollar Lower?
August 12, 2019
QUESTION: Hi Martin, What tools do the US have to TRY and manipulate their dollar lower (other than cutting interest rates) and in your opinion would they be...
Capital Flow Central BanksThe USA is in its Death Throes
August 4, 2016
Obama is reviewing the ban on military weapons for police forces after multiple instances of deliberate attacks on police officers. Instead of prosecuting the bad...
America's Economic History BRITAIN Europe's Economic History USA Current EventsCentral Banks in Crisis Watch Mode
June 26, 2016
Our sources are saying that the central banks have come to an accord to cooperate in an effort to support financial stability in the wake of Britain’s vote to...
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