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Tag: population control

Eugenics in Europe – Women with Disabilities Forcibly Sterilized

The year is 2023 — our top leaders cannot define the term “woman,” so why should they be protected? We know about the ongoing eugenics program in Canada...

FDA Study Finds COVID Vaccine Causes “Spontaneous Abortions”

An 8-page study entitled, “PREGNANCY AND LACTATION CUMULATIVE REVIEW” reveals that the FDA and Pfizer knew that the mRNA COVID vaccines were dangerous for...

How Hungary is Combating Population Decline

Birth rates across developed nations are rapidly declining. One country is combating this problem by making it easier for young couples to start families. Since...

Correlation Between the COVID Vaccine and Equine Sterilization

An odd correlation has been made between the sterilization process of wild horses and the COVID-19 vaccine. The porcine zona pellucida (PZP) vaccination is intended...

You are Now a Domestic Terrorist

If you object to your children being taught that being white makes them inherently racist scum, or that LGBTQ should be considered to reduce the population, and...

Is Gates Thinning the Heard with a Food Crisis?

Biden is now paying farmers not to grow crops and was perhaps directed by Bill Gates, who has become the biggest farmland holder in the USA. The risk of starvation...

The Solution to Climate Change is Here

The solution to climate change is here: We have to stop raising beef and switch to insects, as directed by the UN We have to reduce the population by 62% Do this,...

Bill Gates on Population Growth – Targeting Africa

Is Bill Gates Really a Racist Using Climate Change as the Excuse to Depopulate Africa?

What is really amazing is that Bill Gates’ father has long been an alleged racist with Planned Parenthood targeting minorities. Eugenics has also been about...