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Tag: Precious Metals

Commodities Trade Differently

All commodities, including gold, trade substantially differently than stocks or real estate. Pictured here is wheat back to 1200. Note that you see what appears to...

The Truth About Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies – An Unpopular Analysis

“Could governments seize bitcoin?” That is a common question, and much to the dismay of many, my opinion does not match the typical analysis. I have lost...

States to Deem Silver and Gold Legal Tender

Several US states are considering legislation to reclassify gold and silver as money rather than commodities. Bills filed in Oklahoma and Missouri aim to eliminate...

Shutting Down the Global Postal System

COMMENT: Dear Martin, your public and private blog is the first I read every morning, it is my briefing. I received this email today (31.03.2020) from a friend...

Using Other People’s Money

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You had said you retired from market-making in the precious metals when in the early ’80s people were claiming to sell Krugerrands...

Should Americans Hoard Cash?

  QUESTION: Martin, I appreciate all the information that you provide and just got done reading about money shortage and hoarding. Would it be good for US...

Precious Metals Desk at JP Morgan Criminally Charged

The precious metals Desk at JP Morgan Chase on September 16, 2019, was criminally charged by the U.S. Department of Justice with being a criminal enterprise for...

Dow/Gold Ratio

A number of people have wrote in to ask about the proposition that gold should rise to be equal to the Dow because that is where it had reached in 1980. Sorry,...

Gold & the Commodity DEFLATIONARY Wave

Gold remains extremely weak. We need a daily closing above 1108 to say the low is temporarily in place and a bounce back up is possible. The 1080 level is critical...

The View on Gold and Silver

QUESTION: Thanks for the latest posts.I have 3 queries if you care to consider them. Some years ago you used to say $5000 and $12000 when contemplating...