Tag: psychology
Suicide is now the Second Leading Cause of Death for Ages 10-35
February 10, 2022
People read stories about how a father kills his family and then commits suicide. They will typically dismiss the event, claiming he was just crazy. The real story...
DiseaseIncreased Consumer Spending Among Scarcity
December 2, 2021
The global supply chain shortage amid rising inflation is abundantly prominent. The supply shortage could actually cause people to spend more despite rising prices....
Behavioral EconomicsThe Psychology Behind Consumer Spending and Hedonic Adaptation
October 18, 2021
Consumer debt in the US reached $14.88 trillion in 2020, according to Experian’s consumer debt study. That is a $3 trillion increase in the past decade, and...
Behavioral EconomicsGovernment & Media Induced Psychological Terrorism
July 16, 2020
Anyone who ever took a class in psychology will recognize that what the media and government are doing is clear psychological terrorism, which appears to be...
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