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Tag: Putin

UN & ICC Now Guarantee World War III is the Only Solution

I previously reported that my sources inside the ICC would move to charge Putin with war crimes. No head of state has EVER been charged for the actions of those on...

Tell Vlad I’ll Have more Flexibility after the Election

“This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility.” – President Barack Obama This damning and impeachable offense has been...

Berlusconi and Putin

Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has close ties to Vladimir Putin. Berlusconi, leader of the Forza Italia party, now serves as a junior partner under...

Putin is at War with the West – Not Ukraine

Vladimir Putin’s recent speech is making headlines as people falsely claim Russia is about to launch an all-out nuclear attack. Putin is sticking to his same plan...

Putin: Xi is On My Side

China is no stranger to Western alienation and hostilities. Putin is looking to strengthen his alliance with China by affirming that Russia will adhere to China’s...

Is the US Sacrificing Europe to Maintain Global Dominance?

Vladimir Putin believes that Washington is sacrificing Europe to maintain global dominance. The United States has always been the world police, and the top country...

North Korea Forms Alliance with Russia

On Korea’s liberation day, President Vladimir Putin responded to Kim Jong-Un’s request to join the fight in Ukraine. In a letter to the North Korean dictator,...

Putin: G7 Leaders Undressing Would be a “Disgusting Sight”

Here is a bit of humor on a Friday. The G7 Summit turned into a middle school playground when world leaders began mocking Russian President Vladimir Putin for...

The Untold War in Syria and Deserted Pipelines

We’ve heard of the refugees and people fleeing Syria for a better life, but the media rarely reports how dire the situation has become. Reuters recently reported...

The West’s Refusal to Seek World Peace

  The press has done nothing but put forward present propaganda and they are driving the world into the arms of death. Once upon a time, the world leaders...