Tag: Qatar
The Untold War in Syria and Deserted Pipelines
June 30, 2022
We’ve heard of the refugees and people fleeing Syria for a better life, but the media rarely reports how dire the situation has become. Reuters recently reported...
Energy War World TradeTop Executives of Barclays Charged
June 21, 2017
The British Serious Fraud Office (SFO) has brought charges against Barclays and four former executives surrounding the Qatari investment during the 2008 financial...
CorruptionQatar & the Rising Tensions in the Middle East – On Schedule
June 7, 2017
Qatar is known for its ultra-modern architecture. In this respect, Doha is something to be viewed at least once in life. However, Qatar is a strict religious...
Middle East WarDid the ECM Pick the Date of the War in Syria?
October 18, 2016
When Russia invaded Syria on the very day of the Economic Confidence Model, it signaled that Syria would be a focal point of this wave. Clearly, 2015.75...
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