Tag: Quantitative Easing
The Bank of Canada Should Admit QE FAILED
October 11, 2022
In 2020, Pierre Poilievre, chief Conservative spokesman on finance issues, said Canada’s central bank “should not be an ATM for Trudeau’s insatiable spending...
Canada Central BanksHave Central Banks Crossed the Line into Tyranny?
September 17, 2021
With all the conspiracy theories that somehow the bankers are the real culprits in creating excess money supply, there has been an evolution in central banks that...
Banking CrisisWorld Economy – Which End is Up?
March 6, 2019
QUESTION: Hey Martin First of all, great work with the new Socrates. Thank you very much for getting it to us. You have said that rates are exploding with fed...
Central Banks Gov't Incompetence Interest Rates The Hunt for TaxesIs the Fed Losing Credibility?
June 15, 2016
The Federal Reserve pushed back plans to raise its benchmark short-term interest rate, which was widely expected following the Jobs Report. Yet, this was not a...
Dow Jones Gold USA Current EventsThe Fed vs. Congress
January 25, 2016
QUESTION: Hi Martin, How long has the central banking era been going and will it come to an end? How many central banks create liquidity for governments by buying...
UncategorizedQuantitative Easing & the Illogical Conclusion
November 9, 2015
The ECB does not reveal in detail its QE and most people have no idea that its asset-backed securities (ABS) and covered-bond purchases are actually carried out by...
Basic ConceptsQuantitative Easing & the Nightmare It Has Created
October 23, 2015
While so many people claimed that Quantitative Easing (QE) would produce inflation since it was the creation of money, the truth is very far from this simplistic...
Basic ConceptsIs Quantitative Easing the Same as Printing Money?
October 9, 2015
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Thank you for coming to Athens. After the presentation, there were so many questions that the moderator did not have time for. You answered...
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