Tag: quarantines
Australia Faces Food Shortages
January 10, 2022
The coronavirus and supply shortages have indeed shown us that truckers are essential workers. Unfortunately, around half of employed truckers in Australia have...
Australia & OceaniaTennis Star Claims He Tested Positive for COVID 250 Times
January 3, 2022
(Photo by Paul CROCK / AFP) The sports industry has long suffered at the hands of pandemic restrictions amid stadium closures, quarantines, and formerly healthy...
DiseaseGov. Newsom Worsens the Supply Chain Crisis
December 20, 2021
California Governor Gavin Newsom is deliberately worsening the supply chain crisis by implementing additional power-grab COVID restrictions. Workers in California...
North AmericaAustralia to Quarantine Even Fully Vaccinated Flying to Australia
December 14, 2021
The joke use to be “going postal” because so many postal workers were killing co-workers decades ago. Now they are calling it...
Australia & Oceania TyrannyAustralia Flattening the Curve
August 27, 2021
Australian police have won the International Award for the most morally corrupt police force of any undemocratic regime in human history. They have actually...
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