Tag: Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth – The Last of a True Constitutional Monarchy?
September 14, 2022
Monarchy is the oldest form of government in the United Kingdom. Right up to the very last few days, Queen Elizabeth embodied the dignity of the British people and...
BRITAINLate Queen Elizabeth II to be Removed from Currencies
September 13, 2022
As in late times, as rulers come and go, the currency changes to reflect the change of power. In ancient Rome, for example, they would announce the coming of a new...
BRITAIN Pound World TradeThe Death of Queen Elizabeth II
September 9, 2022
The world’s longest-ruling monarch has passed away at the age of 96 at her Balmoral Castle home in Scotland. Queen Elizabeth II saw 15 prime ministers come and...
BRITAINGovernment & God – Obama Threatens the Vatican
June 12, 2015
Anyone who thinks government respects religion had better stop watching sports and drinking too much. There is a whole different reality waiting for you. Obama...
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