QUESTION: Hi Martin, I am a subscriber to your investor service and read your blog daily for years now. Thank you for your wonderful service to educate those who...
QUESTION: Dear Marty, When talking about negative interest rates and a shift of cash from banks to the stock market from 2017, would that not mean that cash may...
The Australian government has now ordered the sale of residential properties bought in breach of foreign ownership laws. The anti-foreign investor property laws...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, your real estate cycle turned up from 1955. It does not match the Case-Shiller index which peaked in 1890s and bottomed in 1920 and then...
It has been only a matter of time. The U.S. Treasury will begin tracking high-end real estate to see where the money comes from because many properties are selling...
QUESTION: Marty, What is the answer to affordable home ownership? Here in Australia the tax incentive called negative gearing introduced during Paul Keating’s...
Something very interesting is unfolding. Included in the new year-end spending bill was a waiver of the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA), which...
COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Dear Mr. Armstrong, What you wrote concerning the possible repeated start of the banks collapse from Austria, once again, is right. The...
The U.S. real estate market has turned for the top end has peaked. Luxury homes for the top 5% are now off by 2%. In my personal search, I have been looking at...
The peak in real estate may have arrived. At the same time, this reflects the shift away from government bonds. Blackstone Group LP, the largest real estate...