It should come as no surprise that the Merkel government has been trying to hide the extent of the ongoing refugee crisis in Germany. The Merkel government appears...
A Swedish report has been leaked that concludes the Refugee Crisis is destroying Europe. The report has revealed that the number of lawless areas (commonly referred... The very issue of the European Refugee Crisis highlights the entire problem with the European Union. There is no...
Many people in the United States are outraged that Trump is requiring people from certain Muslim countries to be cleared before entry. Yet, these people are...
The protests against Trump have been claiming that he will somehow end abortion (which he cannot do), and the civil rights and immigration parts of their protests...
The irreversible error of the refugee crisis has resulted in the birth rate suddenly soaring in Germany for the first time in 33 years. The refugees are altering...
I previously reported that Germany was teaching refugees how to get lucky with German girls. The education effort is continuing. In class, one tried the line...
The inundated Chancellor Angel Merkel has always had her own team who poll her popularity regularly. She cannot let go of power and she is known for not standing...
The Italian Prime Minister is calling for immediate help with the refugees. The EU refugee crisis is becoming a huge nightmare and Brussels refuses to simply admit...